Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tragedy of the common man” in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman


Death of a Salesman is an Expressionist play that describes characters whose mental world is given to us as physical reality on stage as physical reality on stage. They live in a dream-like world, where there is no border between a fantasy and reality, they switch them and they function in this distorted and imaginary world, which is their own reality. Willy is a typical representative of a character, functioning in a distorted reality. He shifts back and fourth between the past and the present, mingling memory with the reality. He represents “the tragedy of a common man”, because he lives in his own imaginary world, overwhelmed by guilt as a result of painful memories from the past and disappointments of the present and he is unable to face the reality, and in so doing, to deal with it, to accept it or to change it somehow.

Willy is a typical working middle –class man. He has a nice family and wants to be a good father and husband. They have a nice house, they are not poor, and in general he represents pretty much the “American dream” of success and prosperity, where the main stress is on the material world. On the way, trying to reach the ideal, he got lost. He lost his connection with his sons, he lost his loving andHis world, where he feels safe could easily be hurt and destroyed, it is a world of feelings, emotions, and desires that either fail or were not fulfilled.

emotionally, financially and physically stable, able to be a “master of your life”. This ideal fails and so does Willy, his “fantasy” world was easily destroyed and the only way out for him was the one he chose, leaving the world that caused his enormous suffering and finding a piece himself.

He used to have love, his wife is still devoted to him, but he experiences some problems, his memory tricks him and when he embraces his wife, he sees the picture of another woman. This picture appears vivid and realistic to him. He can’t deal with the guilt, with the emotions, when he sees his wife, suffering and trying to save some money, mending her stockings, while he was so generous to the other woman. This irritates him, he feels unsatisfied, down, rejected.

All his past hopes and expectations were not fulfilled. He wanted to be a successful provider for his family, but he loses his job, experiencing deepest disappointment and trying to escape as a result of this in his own dream-like world, where he is.

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